
The European Union and its member states (MS), is a major political and economic actors in Uganda. Its developing support makes it the largest donor in Uganda. In general, the EU is widely seen as a strategic opportunity for development and economic growth.

The Problem

Despite the major impact directly resulting from EU activities in Uganda, there seemed to be low awareness among the Ugandan population about the EU’s role and subsequent contributions to Uganda’s development. The EU therefore seeks to increase communication and visibility around its projects in Uganda to raise awareness about its role and actions in Uganda and provide accountability and transparency on the use of EU funds to taxpayers in the EU MS and the citizens of Uganda.


RoyalWay Media was contracted and is currently implementing a nationwide communication and visibility intervention to enhance awareness of the EU's activities in Uganda, especially of grant support. This is being done through a multimedia mix via traditional media (with specific emphasis on radio) and social media, telling concrete stories of beneficiaries of EU support. As the contractor on communication and visibility RoyalWay Media helps to highlight the EU's support for an inclusive green economy, job creation, and sustainable use of natural resources in Uganda; with messages focusing on:

v  Promoting Green Partnerships.

v  Promoting sustainable and inclusive growth and jobs.

v  Promoting Democratic Governance and Social inclusion in private sector activities.

v  EU support targeting both Ugandans as well as refugees.

Description of Actual Services The key task for Royalway Media is to enhance the visibility of the European Union in Uganda as a single entity, and Team Europe, and improve the awareness among targeted audiences about the EU-Uganda partnership in all its dimensions through increased information, communication, and visibility activities including:

ü  Media Buying and Coordination

ü  EU Events Planning and Management

ü  Supply of Branded Materials

ü  Social Media Management

ü  PR/Media Coordination & Monitoring

ü  Perception Surveys.

ü  Visual/Billboard Campaigns

ü  Photography/Video Production

The agency over the past year has implemented a mix of communication interventions ranging from organizing events, media management coordination, editorial support and content development, social and digital management, photography and video productions

  • Client
    The European Union Delegation to Uganda

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